Exchange Rates

If the entity engages in foreign currency transactions, the relative value between the different currencies is managed via exchange rates.


  • valid_from: The date from which the exchange rate is valid.
  • valid_to: The date at which the exchange rate ceases to be valid. Defaults to null.
  • currency_id: The Id of the currency object for the foreign currency.
  • entity_id: The Id of the entity associated with the exchange rate. Defaults to the the id of entity of the logged in user.
  • rate: Rate of exchange between the foreign currency and the reporting currency. Defaults to 1.00


  • $exchangeRate->entity: The entity associated with the exchange rate.
  • $exchangeRate->currency: The currency associated with the exchange rate.


  • $exchangeRate->attributes(): Presents the exchange rate’s attributes as an object. Useful for debugging.