
Assignments are the package’s mechanism for relating transactions which have opposite effects on an accounts balance with each other. For example, A Client Receipt can be assigned to a Client Invoice, thereby clearing it either partially or fully. This enables the Account Schedule report to display only the outstanding transactions that contribute to an accounts closing balance for a given period.


  • transaction: The transaction being assigned, i.e. clearing another transaction.
  • cleared: The transaction being cleared.
  • cleared_type: The full name (including path) of the model of the (Transaction/Balance) object being cleared.
  • amount: The amount being cleared.
  • entity: The entity associated with the assignment. Defaults to the entity of the logged in user.


  • Assignment::CLEARABLES: Transactions that can be cleared.
  • Assignment::ASSIGNABLES: Transactions that can be assigned (can clear other transactions).


  • Assignment::bulkAssign($transaction): Assign all clearable transactions that are outstanding for the main account of the given transaction on a FIFO basis until the balance of the account is exhausted.
  • $assignment->attributes(): Presents the assignment’s attributes as an object. Useful for debugging.
  • $assignment->toString(): The string representation of the Assignment object instance.

Constraints (Exceptions)

  • UnassignableTransaction: The transaction cannot be assigned.
  • UnclearableTransaction: The transaction cannot be cleared.
  • NegativeAmount: An Assignment cannot have a negative amount.
  • SelfClearance: A transaction cannot clear itself.
  • UnpostedAssignment: Transactions must be posted to be cleared or assigned.
  • InvalidClearanceAccount: The assigned and cleared transactions must have the same main account.
  • InvalidClearanceCurrency: The assigned and cleared transactions must have the same currency.
  • InvalidClearanceEntry: The assigned and cleared transactions must have the same credit entry type.
  • InsufficientBalance: The assigned transaction does not have sufficient balance to clear the amount given.
  • OverClearance: The cleared transaction has less uncleared balance remaining than the amount given.
  • MixedAssignment: A previously cleared transaction cannot be assigned, and vice versa.