
Accounts are records in the General Ledger that agreggate the transactions relating to a financial aspect of the entity. The types of accounts in the package follow the classifications requied to produce reports compatible with the IFRS.


  • name: The account name.
  • account_type: The type of the account. Must follow IFRS guildines respect to reporting. (See Constants).
  • currency: The Currency the account is denominated in. Defaults to the reporting currency.
  • category: The Category the account is a member of. (See Categories).
  • balances: The Balance objects associated with the Account. (See Balances).
  • code: The nominal code of the account. Defaults to a serially incremented value starting at the lower edge of the range specified by the configuration for the account type. (See Configuration).
  • entity: The Entity associated with the account. Defaults to the entity of the logged in user.
  • description: Details of the transactions to be posted into the account.


  • Account::getType($type): The human readable type name of the given account type.
  • Account::getTypes($types): The human readable type names of the account types in the given array.
  • Account::sectionBalances($types, $startDate, $endDate, $fullBalance): Returns an array containing accounts of the given $types their opening, current and closing balances for the period between the $startDate and the $endDate, as well as the movement in the balance within the period. The array also includes the conbined total of the closing balances of all the accounts.
  • Account::openingBalances($year): Returns an array containing accounts with opening balances for the given year, as well as the total debit and credit balances for the year.
  • $account->openingBalance($year, $currencyId): Retrieve the opening balance for the account for the given year for the (optionally) given currency.
  • $account->isClosed(): Check if an account has been closed (Its foreign currency balances have been translated at the reporing period’s closing rates).
  • $account->closingTransactions($year): The accounts transactions translating its foreign currency balances to the period’s closing rate.
  • $account->currentBalance($startDate, $endDate, $currencyId): Retrieve the sum of transactions for the account for the period between the given dates for the (optionally) given currency.
  • $account->closingBalance($endDate, $currencyId): Retrieve the closing balance for the account as at the given date for the (optionally) given currency.
  • $account->transactionsQuery($startDate, $endDate, $currencyId): Produce a query builder to retrieve all transactions posted to the account for the given period for the (optionally) given currency.
  • $account->processTransactions($query): Add related information to the transactions returned by the given query.
  • $account->getTransactions($startDate, $endDate): Retrieve an array of all transactions posted to the account for the given period.
  • $account->getAccountCode(): Calculate the account code for the account, if none is explicitly set.
  • $account->attributes(): Presents the account’s attributes as an object. Useful for debugging.
  • $account->toString():The string representation of the Account object instance.


Asset Accounts
  • Account::NON_CURRENT_ASSET: Also called fixed asset accounts, there track transactions that affect the long term assets of the entity such as machinery and motor vehicles.
  • Account::CONTRA_ASSET: Contra assets are accounts whose balances reduce a specific asset account balannce. Examples are Provision for Bad Debts and Accumulated Depreciation
  • Account::INVENTORY: The value of stocks held for sale is kept in accounts of this type.
  • Account::BANK: Accounts of this type contain liquid cash assets of the entity.
  • Account::CURRENT_ASSET: Current assets accounts contain assets that are expected to be realized and received within a year.
  • Account::RECEIVABLE: Accounts of this type keep track of amounts owed to the entity arising from sales made on credit.
Liability Accounts
  • Account::NON_CURRENT_LIABILITY: Accounts in this category usually have to do with long term financing such as loans.
  • Account::CONTROL: Control accounts serve as checks for reconciling recurring short term liabilities. Examples include Salaries Account and Vat account.
  • Account::CURRENT_LIABILITY: Current liabilities are amounts owed to external parties that are expected to be settled within one year.
  • Account::PAYABLE: Payable accounts track amounts owed bs the entity to suppliers for purchases made on credit.
  • Account::EQUITY: Balances in equity accounts represent the in interests of the owners of the entity.
Operations Accounts
  • Account::OPERATING_REVENUE: Accounts of this type are used to track amounts arising from sales from the core business of the entity.
  • Account::OPERATING_EXPENSE: Operating expense accounts track purchases for for use in the core business of the entity.
Non-Operations Accounts
  • Account::NON_OPERATING_REVENUE: These accounts also record transactions for income, but from sources not the core business of the entity. An example of such income is profit on disposal of fixed assets.
  • Account::DIRECT_EXPENSE: Other expense accounts are usually used for expenses that have a direct relationship with the selling of the entities products such advertising.
  • Account::OVERHEAD_EXPENSE: Overhead expenses refer to utilities and other running costs of the entity.
  • Account::OTHER_EXPENSE: Other expenses are those that do not fit either of the above classes such as depreciation.
Miscellaneous Accounts
  • Account::RECONCILIATION: These are accounts used to reconcile the balances of all other accounts. An example is a suspense account.
Purchasable Accounts
  • Account::PURCHASABLES: These are accounts for which purchase transactions can be created.

Constraints (Exceptions)

  • MissingAccountType: Accounts must have an account type.
  • InvalidCategoryType: Accounts category must have the same account type as the account.
  • HangingTransactions: Accounts with transactions in the current year cannot be recycled.